Medscape is offering a free 0.25 CME/CE on a new lactation topic (newly released on Medscape on October 19, 2018).
Title: How Does Marijuana Use Affect Lactating Mothers?
One study cited in this short continuing ed module is the new study by Bertrand and colleagues in the journal, Pediatrics: "Marijuana use by breastfeeding mothers and cannabinoid concentrations in breast milk." Pediatrics 2018;142.…/142/3/e20181076.
A current clinical report from the AAP on the use of cannabinoids during pregnancy and lactation is also discussed. Ryan SA, Ammerman SD, O'Connor ME; COMMITTEE ON SUBSTANCE USE AND PREVENTION; SECTION ON BREASTFEEDING. Marijuana use during pregnancy and breastfeeding: implications for neonatal and childhood outcomes. Pediatrics. 2018;142.…/08/23/peds.2018-1889.
This continuing education topic and many others are available at no cost on Medscape.