The following treasure of a short YouTube video is of the late Carolyn Rovee-Collier (1942 - 2014), a developmental psychologist who mastered a steep uphill climb in her field.
Early in her career, a powerful but mistaken dogma held that babies could not learn until later in their first year. In that era, behavior in younger infants was perceived as stimulus and response but without actual learning taking place.
Dr. Rovee-Collier authored over 200 papers during her career, although three years transpired before her first paper was accepted for publication on aspects of infant long-term memory. By persevering in the face of much opposition in what was then a male-dominated field, Rovee-Collier succeeded in dismantling the old paradigm.
In 2006, Peter Gerhardstein interviewed Rovee-Collier for The Society of Research in Child Development, who has since made her 30-page oral history available online - another treasure.
After her passing in 2014, The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and other news outlets published her obituary, and moving tributes to Rovee-Collier are also found in various professional publications.
Rovee-Collier's insightful master's thesis was on sucking in puppies.
The 30-page Carolyn Rovee-Collier oral history:…/d…/rovee-collier_carolyn_interview.pdf
A short video showing Rovee-Collier in her preferred lab, i.e., visiting babies in their own home environments: